25 February 2007

The Little Tans

Jeremy, Jesse and Alexsi with Jireh and Joram. Fun to be around with.
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19 February 2007

Techno and Animation

HD has arrived. Visit this Apple website where you can view a number of HD trailers. This is really cool. Turn up the volume and enjoy the music and animation. Great stuff.

(click on image, dude) (it is a huge file, cos it is HD. if you want a smaller version - www.animusic.com)

Two Families

Greetings for the New Year. The Hoos came with a long list of greetings. Pleasantly surprised with the children as they greeted in Chinese. The children had grown. Persis is as tall as Ning now and Jake had grown. Jake slept through out the din as we feasted on pineapple tarts, love letters, nuts, squid .........................................

The Tongs came next dressed to the nines. It was a blessing to have the Tongs live next door cos Janice is always at the door with her home cook meals. Strangely, she always seem to come at the right time when we needed them. Twenty five years back , Gordon, Andrew and I were young lads. Fresh, Gordon was signing on as an air force technician and Andrew, on his way to be a pilot and I - just out of army. Those were the days were we shared a loaf of bread cos we had no money for lunch or dinner. Life was so simple back then.

With Norman coming back end of the month, it will be a good time to catch up. Still the same group. A pilot, a missionary, an entrepreneur and me.

16 February 2007