24 June 2006

I'm Back

Trying last few days for me. Was admitted to Changi Hospital for surgery to get rid of some polyps in the nose. They had been a nusiance for a while. When they are in the way, you got to breathe through the nose. Your life suffered as you lost your smell, you can't sleep, the throat gets dry.

It was an ordeal for me as I don't like been in a hospital. It is a place of pain and suffering. But I guessed I always looked at the wrong side. It should be a place of recovery, of healing, of a better future.

I had been pushing the surgery back for a number of times and finally, I told the doctor' "let's go ahead". The reply surprised me too. So I was checked in on Wednesday afternoon and they checked me up and got me ready for the surgery on Thursday. The days leading to the surgery was full of anxieties. But somehow, deep down there was a kind of peace (and the haunting worries).

Come Thursday morning, the nurse asked me to shower and get ready for the surgery. I could only pray. Got wheeled to the waiting area and laid on bed. The nurse gave a hot blanket and that helped to calm the anxiety. Got wheeled to the surgery room and they fixed me up to all the monitoring devices and the doctor explained to me the procedure and told me not to worry. "When you wake up, all will be over" Dr Ranjit assured. They placed an oxygen mask over my mouth and asked me to breathe........


My eyes opened and I stared at the monitor. Suddenly, the mind remembered I was on the surgery table. Ok. It was over. A nurse came over and I asked her what time was it. 12:15 pm. It is almost four hours since I left the ward.

I lost three hours of my life - no recollection of memory for this time when the surgeon worked on me. My nose is all patched up waiting for the healing.

Everything went smooth and for all these I thanked God for being my Guide. I would probably go bonkers without Him leading me.

Thank you Lord.

And for all who kept me in your prayers. Those who dropped by for a visit and got to see the 'cat'. For the fruit baskets, chicken essences and bird nests. For the people who offered their pick up services, For the SMSes. And for my neighbour who took time to cook for the family.

Heartfelt thanks. You guys are simply wonderful.

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