30 June 2006

Stupid Game

"Ernie. Gilbert here. We are coming over for the Germany and Argentina game. Will you be back by 11:00 pm. Ok. See you then".

What a lull! Lifeless game. Had been looking forward to an exciting game but it is a letdown.

The host is making coffee for Andrew and Joram. I had mine. Andrew is reading a book and Joram somewhere talking to Jeslin.

Second half better be good. Cos tomorrow is England's game.



You asked for it. Yes. I use Picasa to manage my pictures. For each assignment, about three to four hundred pictures were taken. This is the beauty of a digital camera. With no film, you can go on and on. The only limitations are battery life and memory.

Picasa is a great freebie. Manages your images with a breeze and comes will features to fine tune the pictures. The people at Google did a good job with Picasa and I can't wait for the next release.

Scroll down to the end and you will find a link Organize and share photos with friends. Google's photo organizer to download Picasa. Give it a try. I'm sure, it will make digital photography enjoyable.

PS If you missed the link, go to http://www.gtstudio1.blogspot.com/ and scroll down to the end.

29 June 2006

Earth is Sick

25 million. Number of full-grown poplar and birch trees felled in China in order to produce 45 billion pair of chopsticks a year. TIME April 3, 2006

Earth caught a cold
No antibotics can cure
Soon and very soon
Earth will break down
Global warming
Earth is feeling the heat

Let's do our part.
. Stop using disposal chopsticks.
Turn off the light when not in use.
. Turn off electrical appliances when not in use.
. Use the fan instead of the airconditioner.
. Don't stay in the shower for too long.

Save Earth for the next generation.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.- Posted by Picasa

I Can Smell The Flowers

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Not really.

The aroma of freshly baked bread filled my senses as the escalator brought me down to Tampines B1. Seeing Four Leaves' bakers pulling the racks out of the oven brought joy to my heart as I savoured their works. Competiting for my attention was Famous Amos. The chocolate chip. I missed the smell. Free smell of Famous Amos.

A week had passed since my nose surgery and nose is starting to work. Had not been able to smell for a long long while. And this is going to be new adventure rediscovering all the fragrances and aroma.

Went to MOS Burger for lunch and had to walk pass the smoking zone before entering the restaurant. Yes! the smoke was awful. The good and the bad of getting the sense back. But the good news is that come 1 July 2006. New non smoking zone law in food courts, centres and coffee shops come into act.

Long Live Non Smokers.

28 June 2006

World Cup Coverage Bullshit

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You can't sleep and you can't watch. Without StarHub World Cup cable TV, sleepless nights were nightmares. You know that Brazil, France and Germany were playing and yet you can't get into the action.

What an irony where the national TV channels don't carry the matches. And yet on their advertisements, they were shouting that they are providing

C O M P R E H E N S I V E C O V E R A G E!

What a claim!

Households pay TV licenses and yet they don't get the telecasts (except four matches). Tiger Beers, MacDonald, Adidas, Puma, where are you when the sponsorship were required? Or was it Fifa? Or is it me looking for a cheap deal?

27 June 2006

Happy Birthday Lady

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Oh my gosh. Twenty-one years had gone by. Happy Birthday Phebe!. It was like yesterday that we were carrying you in our arms. Wishing you everything beautiful and nice.

It was great to see you back in Singapore. How time flies. Now you are pursing an education in US, and soon you will be working and settling down. Looks like everything has been planned out for you. Keep trusting, the Lord will grant you the desires of your heart.

Today, we are celebrating Kiara's Birthday. In another twenty-years time .............

Girl of The Year

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This lady is camera friendly.
Anytime. Anywhere.
Really really camera friendly.

Boy of The Year?

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Always smiling and playful. Boy of few words. Just like the dad?
Always singing and dancing. Boy of talents. Just like the dad.

Gabriel of The Jungle

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Still unable to post pictures. Getting on my nerves.

Is freedom the absence of restraint? 'Absolute freedom is absolute nonsense' - Richard J Foster.

We gain freedom in anything through commitment, discipline and fixed habit.

Does one learn to walk overnight or to play the piano? We form habits through plenty of slips and falls. A discplined life is behind the truly freed. Like the photographer, the discipline allows him the freedom to express. The hours of practice, perfected the dancer's movement.

Murphy's Law

After dinner, asked Ning to go for tea at the beach. Got the thermo flash and brewed the tea, gathered some cookies and cups. Got this idea to snap some pictures of aircraft flying in so grapped the camera and changed to a set of freshly charged battery and tripod.

Found a nice spot and watch the aircraft coming in to land. Screwed the camera to the tripod and start to snap. The LCD blinked "Memory Card". What?

What a drag! Can't understand why I forget to take along the memory card.

Anyway guys, still no pictures without the toolbar. No memory cards and Blogger seems to be having a flu right now. Tried adding Feeburner features and it did not seems to work. Looks like I gotta wait for Blogger to turn around.

26 June 2006

Where Are You Mr Toolbar?

Frustrating. Can't upload pictures without the toolbar. What's wrong Blogger.com. Where is my toolbar. Give me a reply. There are a couple of really nice pictures of Gabriel the Jungle waiting for the world to view.

24 June 2006

Princess Kiara

Happy Birthday Princess.

I'm Back

Trying last few days for me. Was admitted to Changi Hospital for surgery to get rid of some polyps in the nose. They had been a nusiance for a while. When they are in the way, you got to breathe through the nose. Your life suffered as you lost your smell, you can't sleep, the throat gets dry.

It was an ordeal for me as I don't like been in a hospital. It is a place of pain and suffering. But I guessed I always looked at the wrong side. It should be a place of recovery, of healing, of a better future.

I had been pushing the surgery back for a number of times and finally, I told the doctor' "let's go ahead". The reply surprised me too. So I was checked in on Wednesday afternoon and they checked me up and got me ready for the surgery on Thursday. The days leading to the surgery was full of anxieties. But somehow, deep down there was a kind of peace (and the haunting worries).

Come Thursday morning, the nurse asked me to shower and get ready for the surgery. I could only pray. Got wheeled to the waiting area and laid on bed. The nurse gave a hot blanket and that helped to calm the anxiety. Got wheeled to the surgery room and they fixed me up to all the monitoring devices and the doctor explained to me the procedure and told me not to worry. "When you wake up, all will be over" Dr Ranjit assured. They placed an oxygen mask over my mouth and asked me to breathe........


My eyes opened and I stared at the monitor. Suddenly, the mind remembered I was on the surgery table. Ok. It was over. A nurse came over and I asked her what time was it. 12:15 pm. It is almost four hours since I left the ward.

I lost three hours of my life - no recollection of memory for this time when the surgeon worked on me. My nose is all patched up waiting for the healing.

Everything went smooth and for all these I thanked God for being my Guide. I would probably go bonkers without Him leading me.

Thank you Lord.

And for all who kept me in your prayers. Those who dropped by for a visit and got to see the 'cat'. For the fruit baskets, chicken essences and bird nests. For the people who offered their pick up services, For the SMSes. And for my neighbour who took time to cook for the family.

Heartfelt thanks. You guys are simply wonderful.

18 June 2006

Block 13

Dad often spoke of the time when we were living in Neil Road located in Tai Seng vicinity, a place known for notorious gangsters. I can’t seem to recall no matter how hard I try.

For my beginning, I knew of only a gang of boys, a band of brothers, who managed to find amusement in the unlikeliest of places – in an unlit elevator, along quiet corridors, muddy, murky drains, on mischievous pranks of the highest order.

Block Thirteen was a playground for the sons of its residents. Situated in a now quiet and run-down estate of Singapore rises lankily and lazily a tall building, once the crowning glory of a newly industrialized country.

This was life then, our lives, my life, for I was one of those boys, crazy and lanky as the building we lived in, our arms and legs too short for our bodies, our spectacles ridiculously large, our pants equally appalling. Yet we knew not that our silly affections would go out of fashion one day, ridiculed by our children, we lived in that moment, for that moment.

One may wonder why I wish to tell my story. It is not, as may be assumed, because of nostalgia, which is a weak sentiment only possible at reunions, or in the dead secret of the night. I ache for the past. I miss it from time to time. I am telling this to share a history, my story.

This is my story, our story peculiar to our little group only. I think.

17 June 2006

Happy Father's Day

Moriah Mandarin Service Father's Day Celebration

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Love ya Dad

It is been almost eighteen years since you left. Can't wait to see ya up there. Grateful thanks for bringing us up. Happy Father's Day.

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16 June 2006

Who Am I?

Off the wall. From CFG camp. Anyone can guess who they are?

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Cool Cool Gang

The Friendship Gang. They are so cool and easy all the time and yet manage to get top in a few rounds. Who said winning must be aggressive?

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15 June 2006

Power Play

Don't play play. Strength in unity. Got training from Army personnel one you know.

6 235 35 35 Warrior Man Pizza

Samurai. Here are your pizza pics. Cool right? Making your own pizzas. Not difficult if you got someone to coach you. Learning is not difficult, if you got a coach and the discipline.

13 June 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome To WWE

Samuel - The champion. Alamak, this is FA Cup lah. Not WWE.

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Here are some pictures of you, Ben. Did you enjoy the skits? I was rolling with laughter. It was so fun watching you guys come up with the plays after listening to the Bible stories.

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12 June 2006

Tell Me More

Champions for God graduates.
Tell us what you like about the camp.
Tag your feedback on the Cbox.


CFG World Cup

Football sitting down anyone? The kids loved this game and kept wanting more. Eugene and Jannan, their nickames - Michael Owen and David Beckham.

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Whose Side Are You On?

Four teams - Son Kids, Incredible, Friendship and Brightest Champions. Tell me which picture belongs.

This is ___________________

This ___________________

This is ___________________

This is ___________________

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Wah Lau! Like Also Can Lose

Ladies and gentlemen.
Boys and girls.

The teacher lost!.

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