21 July 2006

20 Years Ago

Posted by Picasa Asian Civilisation Museum.

The last time I was here was 20 years ago. Yes. 20 years. This is the old National Registration Office. I remembered clearly coming here to register for Jireh's birth certificate. Today, the hospital gets it done for you. How times had changed.

This building had been transformed into Asian Civilisation Museum. Didn't get the chance to stroll around cos I was invited by James Huan, my dear friend and financial consultant to attend a financial talk by Daryl Liew. The talk was useful to me - a lay person on the recent dip in the financial world. Organised by Providend, it really help me understand a little bit about some of the latest happening - the oil prices, the fighting, the bombing and how they are linked in this messed up world. Daryl is good. Making complicated things sound simple.

Ning Jer and I were not really keen in the talk but we took up James' suggestion - "Well, come and learn a little on your investments and enjoy the cocktail and maybe stroll around and see what's happening at this part of town. Bring your camera, the place is buzzing". I took his advice except that I did not bring the DSLR and a camera stand. Only X60. Unable to get good pictures without a camera stand for the night shots except for these which were done before the cocktail party and using a lamp post as a stand.

By the way, the cocktail party was great. I enjoyed the pasta, tomato sauce, grilled chicken with thyme, toast with tuna, breaded prawns ............. Coffee and tea would be nice though. Ah. Forgot to take the caterer's contact.

Thanks bro for the invite. Next time, I will cook.

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