30 October 2006

I No Understand

Please Q after you are seated. Had trouble understanding this sign at Peppers Lunch at Hougang Mall.

Guys, the mall went under the knife and rather hip with the new eateries around. Looks like eateries are surviving these days while the retail stores are shrinking in size.

While you are there see if you can help me understand why one got to queue after being seated.

A Tale of Two Fishes

Speaking of the Chef. Here is a tale of two fishes.

What an experience. Two huge salmons about 5.5 kg each before me. The Chef showed me how to fillet the salmon. She did one side and I did the other. Needless to say, the fillets were messed up.

Yes. James, I did the baked salmon with Terry and Siew Yan's help. Someone asked for the recipe and I told Siew Yan that her head will roll if she let out the secret cos she the one who knows it.

Ok, for those who wants to try, it is really easy.
. Fresh herbs - parlsey, basil and rosemary
. Extra virgin olive oil
. Sliced pear
. Coarse minced garlic
. Salt and pepper

Rub the salmon with salt and pepper. Break the herbs up and mix with the oil and garlic. Stuff them together with the pear into the gullet and seal it with strings. Wrap it up with foil. (Needs Terry here to make a large foil - two layers to keep the juices in).

Bake for 30 minutes.

Suvarnabhumi Airport

D2. The holding area before my flight back to Singapore at Thailand new airport. Suvarnabhumi Airport. The place is huge. The transit centre, immigration and shopping area are designed like malls. The holding area is more of a warehouse look. Bare concrete with steel structures.

Looks like the airport was launched in a rush and a lot of things are in need of attention. Broken tiles, dirty windows etc..........

It is spacious compared to the old airport at Don Muang. No time to check out the shopping and I hope it makes shopping worthwhile. At Don Muang airport, forget about shopping in the airport, prices are higher than what's available outside the airport.

This airport sits on a low lying area infested with snakes. Definitely not a place for our dear chef.

20 October 2006

Be Seen


You guys know that I love nature walk. Here is a chance to post your pictures to showcase Singapore the Garden City. Yes, there's no cities in the world like Singapore where greenery abounds in the city.

Submit your pictures here and who knows you may win yourself some prizes.

Don't be surprise to see your pictures.

search keyword: tgilbert

Seen and Heard

No. I'm not picking up a fight. This is amusing. But on the other hand, not funny though as it is quite a serious issue between parents and their teenage children.

Somehow, somewhere things got off tangent and very different perspectives were formed.

I heard it's a universal problem. It is inclusive whether you are a parent or a teenager. If you are not part of this issue, probably you are not of our species or from another solar system.

Well, the world will continue to spin for another couple of years. And when you young guys start a family, you will appreciate the true extend of this poser.

Teenager, don't bother to ask your mum or dad.

It's explosive.
Clarity can be confusing.

Time to go, I was once a teenager. I've got to check with my dad.

Replacement Killers

Maybe she would make the grade. Innocent but deadly. Posted by Picasa


The Old and The New.
The West and The East.
Now and Future.

A clash of cultures.

(He would probably switch to guitar if he was here last Sunday to hear Alvaro Sanchez). Posted by Picasa

Where's The Dart

Can you find the dart? Not the three large darts hanging on top of the target. This game was popular with the boys. Posted by Picasa

06 October 2006

New Old Man

New Old Man
Old New Man
Funky Old Man
Old Funky Man
Young at Heart
Keep Smiling Man Posted by Picasa

Ah Niu Ge

Don't plray plray.

This Ah Niu Ge plays the Chinese flute like a pro. The Winter Sonata on Chinese Flute. Yeah man, Ah Niu Ge does it. On the stairs, in the lift. Standing or sitting. Quick and slow tempo. And he even let me record it on my Sony Ericsson K500i.

He is good. I was at the fourth level and Ps Heidi asked who is playing the flute and I told her that it was the CD.

I'm not chui niu ok.

Bring along your bull next round. Posted by Picasa

Ball, Here Is Looking At You

What should we do? Do you think it will explode? How about calling the police? Maybe we should just kick it and see what happens.
Nah, it just a ball. Let's rush and see who gets it first. Posted by Picasa

Quiche Come and Eat

This was taken at Elsie's kitchen, her workplace. Remember I told you that we were caught in a jam and not been able to drop by RSAF Paya Leba airbasefor the air show? We went to visit Elsie instead of trying to find a parking lot.

Quiches!. Brought back lots of memory. My love affair with them started in in Australia when I was at Melbourne for a conference about six years back. The hotel served an assortment of freshly baked quiches. There were salmon, ham, vegetarian .......... With the conference over a few days, like an eagle, I waited for tea to be served and go for the quiches the minute the tray was laid down.

It was a start of a journey of my love affair with quiches as I soaked in the aroma of the quiches browning in the heat.

Concidentally, when Kimberly and I went back home, Janice had brought some freshly baked quiches over for the boys. The message "Aunty Janice brought over some quiches and we finished it. It was yummy". That's it, nothing for me.

Here is Elsie's ham quiche with goat cheese. They are available at Spinelli.

Quiche come and eat. Posted by Picasa

02 October 2006

Girls Will Be Boys

Who said girls will be girls? And who said girls play dolls only.

These are girls with killer's instinct. They should serve the nation. National Service for our ladies. How said they can't handle? Posted by Picasa

Who's The Boy?

Clue: Playful, runs around and kick box alot. His lunch is predictable. Wears Adidas shoe.

Was having a good time with him at Ris Grandeur Condo, John and Rebecca's new abode. Wonderful pool with warm water spa pool.

It was a cold evening and the warm water spa was a relieve. Posted by Picasa