30 July 2006

Methodist Girls School From Eve To Mary

Methodist Girls School From Eve To Mary. Walking With Women. Enjoy it.

A tweeny weeny slide show. Unable to post a larger size due to the huge memory required.

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29 July 2006

Delilah Delilah

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What a character! Delilah she was. Animated. Really good. This is Juicy - a reality show with the host bringing in three women - infamous women from the Bible. All murderers - Delilah, Jezebel and Queen Herodias. A fast moving talk show with heaps of laughter as they got quizzed by the fast witted host.

Eve and Mrs Lot

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Eve with the Serpent. An interesting dialogue with a tinge of comedy. Eve cheated by the Serpent, unable to forgive herself for the pain she had left for mankind - so begins the story by Jonathan Lim.

Mrs Lot. Stoned liked a pillar of salt. This girl is good. She stood motionless and with 'look' - lost of words.

Mary Magdalene

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Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.” — Mark 16:9

Two characters - Eve and Mary Magdalene played host to the various stations of the production. Here Mary introduced the story of Jesus and the Samaritian woman at the well. This heartwarming scene a contrast to the next created tension as we moved from Jesus' tenderness to his suffering. The music turned sombre as the crucifixion comes next.

Walking With Women

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You guys know Bang Wenfu. One of Singapore theatre's most sought after musicians. He told us about Methodist Girls' School production - From Eve to Mary - Walking With Women. A compelling journey from the Bible. A large scale production with lots of talents and giftings. The girls were amazing. Dance, drama and music. It was a phenomenon.

It will be an evening Rebecca, Shelley, Jessica, Ning Jer and I will never forget. Bible stories came alive as Director and Script Writer Jonathan Lim breathed drama into the scared passages. The emotions flowed with Wenfu's music. The girls were simply amazing.

Passion of Christ last rites brought tears to my eyes.

Lord, thanks for Calvary's love.

Not been able to post more pictures. Blogger toolbar simply don't work in my browser. Come back, definitely will post more pictures).

26 July 2006

She Started It - Yes Jeslin Started It

It started at Jeslin's blog on some pictures from days of old. And then it appeared at Peter's blog. And it infected this blog. But I think it will stop here cos, it is a lot of work trying to dig the old photographs.

2006 and 2000. Six years man. Six years. See the difference. OMG, how they grown. 2006 - You Are Special. 2000 - KIDS.Church camp at Girl's Brigade Sembawang Camp site. Trying to dig for Jerald, Ernest and Jerome pictures. Come back and watch this space.

By the way, I have got a picture to prove that Pamela and Jerald were helping out as backup in KIDS.Church. Chubby chubby. I shall reserve it for my own pleasure.

24 July 2006

Money Money Money - It So Funny

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Last Saturday, Elsie, Sze Cheng, Ning Jer and I attended a seminar - Managing Money God's Way at Living Hope Methodist Church at Tampines Street 33. The seminar was conducted by Crown Financial Ministries.

Interesting seminar as we learnt about the real cost of credit cards roll over, financing a house and a car. It makes you wonder why people get into debt.

Click on Crown Financial Ministries and take a peek. It may change your life. If you are looking for financial freedom, read Free and Clear - God's Road Map to Debt Free Living. Easy to read book.

Till debt do us part.

21 July 2006

Coffee Sir?

My neighbour walked in while I was preparing KIDS.Church lesson on Palm Sunday. Cutting and pasting to make a visual for the kids.

Andrew: 'Coffee night ok?"

Two weeks ago, I asked him out for coffee beside the pool downstairs. I told him that Ning Jer and I liked to go down and enjoy the breeze and the quietness. Yes. Dahlia Park is quiet. You don't get to hear the traffic. This is the best feature of Dahlia Park. We had coffee, tea and biscuit.

GT: 'Fine. What time shall we meet?"

Actually, we don't need to meet, you see - we stayed on the same level and walk into each other apartment now and then.

Andrew: 'Nine ok?'

GT: 'Fine, who is making coffe?'.

Exactly, nine o'clock, out came Andrew with this nice tray with coffee, tea and snacks. And a candle light and a nice tray. That's nice. You are learning fast and I liked it.

Ma! It Is SuperChicken

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Empress Place is buzzing and trendy.

Behind Asian Civilisation Museum, there is this restaurant. With huge Qs. Did not get to explore but it sure caught my attention.

Must go back to Empress Place one of this day to check out the place - 1827 Thai Restaurant, IndoChime and across the river, Boat Quay - another happening place.

Boy, I missed those days where quainted bump boats swayed idly by the river side waiting for passengers.

Back then, in front of Asian Civilisation Museum was a hawker centre. I remembered having with someone whom I can't recall (obviously would want to forget). I had chicken nasi bryani. Not the 'real' stuff cos the chicken was deep fried - not the chicken been cooked together with the rice. I was trying to tear the meat off with the fork and spoon (deep fried chicken is tough). You can't use your hand cos it was lunch time right in the city centre. Office crowd dressed to their nines were sitting around.

I slipped and the chicken flew off the table. And I was sharing table. You don't get to eat alone in city centre. People were everyway waiting for you to finish your meals and 'chop' your seat.

Embarrassed. I pretended nothing happened and quickly finished the rice and walked off.

Can you understand? Were you in such a situation before?

20 Years Ago

Posted by Picasa Asian Civilisation Museum.

The last time I was here was 20 years ago. Yes. 20 years. This is the old National Registration Office. I remembered clearly coming here to register for Jireh's birth certificate. Today, the hospital gets it done for you. How times had changed.

This building had been transformed into Asian Civilisation Museum. Didn't get the chance to stroll around cos I was invited by James Huan, my dear friend and financial consultant to attend a financial talk by Daryl Liew. The talk was useful to me - a lay person on the recent dip in the financial world. Organised by Providend, it really help me understand a little bit about some of the latest happening - the oil prices, the fighting, the bombing and how they are linked in this messed up world. Daryl is good. Making complicated things sound simple.

Ning Jer and I were not really keen in the talk but we took up James' suggestion - "Well, come and learn a little on your investments and enjoy the cocktail and maybe stroll around and see what's happening at this part of town. Bring your camera, the place is buzzing". I took his advice except that I did not bring the DSLR and a camera stand. Only X60. Unable to get good pictures without a camera stand for the night shots except for these which were done before the cocktail party and using a lamp post as a stand.

By the way, the cocktail party was great. I enjoyed the pasta, tomato sauce, grilled chicken with thyme, toast with tuna, breaded prawns ............. Coffee and tea would be nice though. Ah. Forgot to take the caterer's contact.

Thanks bro for the invite. Next time, I will cook.

20 July 2006

Guess Where I Am?

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These were taken on one of those days when I was on hospitalisation leave. I can't stand been home for some many days so I decided to take a walk at ......... This was where I ended up.

This hotel is tall and slender. Just like a pack of cards. They boast of bathrooms that will lock your jaws. With a bath tub by the bay window and a spectacular seaview, a butler to set up the bath for you. How can one be not overwhelmed?.

Yes. It is Ritz Carlton. Six stars treatment here. Celebrated Elsie's birthday at the cafe with the ThreeTen cell group. We had buffet at the cafe. The spread was fantastic and the service - G O O D. The fellowship - G R E A T.

Together with Jireh, we attended Stanford University alumni dinner once. It was a pretty grand affair.

Heard so much about the Ritz but never stay over, hope to do it one of these days.

19 July 2006

Images Angkok Wat

These are shots of Angkor Wat by Jireh. I think they are great. He has a feel for photography. Unfortunately, the dates are imprinted. Remember to read the manual.

18 July 2006

I Made US$0.90

Did you see this Picasa's download image down at the end of the page? Good. If you click and install Picasa in your pc. I get a dollar. Yes. One US dollar. Spread the news to ya friend, recommend them to download from www.gtstudio1.blogspot.com.

(Seriously, Picasa is a great freeware to manage your digital images and I can't wait to see their next version).

And if you click on those ads up the page. I get a referral fee. So far, I made US$0.90. So guys, help me make some money ok.

Yes, I'm cheap but who knows, I will be laughing all the way to the bank.

S & F

Ladies and Gentlemen.

These are my two shy nieces. Fiorina and Samantha.

Say hi if you see them in Church cos they are really shy but deep down, they are playful and fun to be around.

Both pictures were taken from KIDS.Church Champions for God camp last June. First time for them attending a camp and they enjoyed it very much.

Not easy to snap their pictures cos they will always be avoiding the camera. Fiorina was captured by Joram, she was probably tricked. And as usual, shying from the camera for Samantha.

Sweeties, don't you think?

Fiorina and Samantha, if you are visiting, tag on the message board ok.

17 July 2006

My The Other Love

Cooking - my the other love. Yes. I loved strolling in supermarkets smelling, touching and enjoying the freshness and provisions of life. It is a good place to enjoy all God's provision for life.

In fact, I had my own cookbook - Makan: a collection of my favourite dishes done my style. Less oil and salt and mostly wholesome. If you guys petition enough, who knows it will be another blog.

For those out there thinking of picking up cooking. Plunge into it. Don't get too concerned about how it will turn out. As long as it comes from the heart, it tastes good - that is the secret of cooking. That's why home cooking don't fail to impress. Here is something simple to impress your spouse and children.

Go to any supermart, NTUC is where I got these from. Look for prepacked furikake (a rice topping), miso soup and Tay's sanma kabayaki (grilled sanma fish). To spice it up, get a pack of dried seaweed and tofu.

Cook Japanese rice and top it up with furikake. The children will love it. It can be a meal by itself if you are sick of hawker food.

Boil some water and throw in the prepacked miso soup base. Add seawead (you got to soak it first) and tofu for the added calcium.

For Tay's grilled sanma fish, follow the instructions (just boil the packet if you are using all the contents or microwave if you just need one or two.

Serve it along with some salad - Japanese cucumbers (drizzle with a little soya sauce) or make your salad. Tasteful food without using the wok.

Here is my Japanese style potato salad and greens in seasme dressing with the grilled sanma and miso soup with rice topped with furikake.

By the way, Tay's has prepacked Japanese teriyaki chicken, teriyaki chicken balls, kariage chicken....... so you can change your main course as you go along. So you got at least five kinds of bento for your family.

It is that simple.

Bon appetit.

16 July 2006

Serve the Army

Welcome to my platoon.

Here, you watch me.
You listen to me.
And not the other way round.

I'm tough.
Don't play play with me.
Cos I'm Gabriel, the Tough Boy.

Meet Lynette

Found an interesting feature on the compact digital camera (ha ha, read your manual). Never knew that that X60 can take 9 shots sequentially.

Saw Lynette this morning at @ 3rd Level, waiting for her parents cos they were attending Ps Philip Kao's 'How to Talk To Your Kids on Sex'. Yes, the parents are learning.

'Hi Lynette, how are you this morning'. She gave me her usual big grin and I loved her smile cos she always replied with her shy but REALLY big smile. Justus came along and hugged her. Yes. Justus hugged her and she was beaming from ear to ear. Yes, Lynette loved children. I've always enjoyed watching her beaming with joywhen Gabriel, Gladys and Grace comes along and greet her.

The next time, you see her. Bend down and look into her eyes and say hello. And you will know what I meant.

14 July 2006

I've Got A Headache

World Cup 2006 is over. No stars, this time round but a number of ironies - Zidane's head butting Materazzi, the English star that was sent off, diving skills...........

On Zidane's header. No, I'm not talking about the goal but the head butt on Materazzi. The presses (journalists) gave their views and many condemned the act. Somehow, somewhere in my head, there was this nagging thought - "why were these people fast to condemn the act but not try to understand how did it happened". Materazzi must had said something to cause Zidane to butt the foolish act. People cracked under intense pressure. What did Materazzi whispered to Zidane?

This is what Materazzi said to the press. "Zidane has always been my hero," Materazzi said. "I admire him a lot." Irony, isn't it?

That is my headache.

The other headache was the love hate affair between C Ronaldo and Manchester United. First, it was that everything is ok with him and Rooney and then he has to leave MU as he seemed to be unwelcome and then there is no intention to leave MU.......................


Stairway To Heaven

Many great civilisation had come and go. No minds can comprehend how Angkok Wat was built. Engineering and architechure at its best in its hey days laid a ruin today.

Can one lay treasures that last eternity?.

13 July 2006

The World's Largest Religious Monument

For hundreds of years, the lost city of Angkor was itself a legend. Cambodian peasants living on the edge of the thick jungle around the Tonle Sap lake reported findings which puzzled the French colonialists who arrived in Indo-China in the 1860s. The peasants said they had found "temples built by gods or by giants." Their stories were casually dismissed as folktales by the pragmatic Europeans. Yet some did believe that there really was a lost city of a Cambodian empire which had once been powerful and wealthy, but had crumbled many years before.


12 July 2006

Read The Manual

Jireh just got back from Cambodia. A trip to a children hospital which they helped raised funds for medical equipments. Mission Angkor : Mandala - One Night For the Children.

He was also the master of ceremony for the concert. Too bad, wasn't able to attend cos I was just out of the hospital after the surgery that week. They had a successful concert and according to sources (one biased - the mum and other critical - his brother), he did well.

Last week, he went to Cambodia to visit the hospital and of course the famous Angkor Wat and came back yesterday morning.

Jireh: Hi Dad, I'm back.
Dad: OK. How .......
Jireh: How do you remove the date imprint from the digital camera?
Dad: What do you ......
Jireh: It is so frustrating, who turn on the date imprint feature ..........

He was so frustrated that all his pictures were imprinted with dates cos he did not turn the feature off. Well, read the manual son. It is always good to run through the manual as it gives information on the camera.

No pictures yet. Will try to upload his best shots cos he has a keen eye too.


Where Am I?

Champions For God.

Still haven't found the best way to show the children's camp pictures. Here is a collage of all the images. Try finding yourself here.

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10 July 2006

You Are On Candid Camera

The side door at City Hall. No parking at the door way. Must be some cartoons taking liberty to park here.

At National Library, this guy is talking over the mobile and it made a nice focal point through the advertising panels.

This lady must be travelling alone. Trying to capture herself with the city skyline in the background.

06 July 2006

CIty Tour

Today marked the end of my hospitalisation leave. Had been to office last few days but knocked off in the afternoon. Decided to take the day off today to get the car serviced. The appointment is at 1:00 pm.

Watched France beat Portugal and went back to sleep and woke up at 7:30 am. Cleaned up the place a little and sent Joram to TP. Had breakfast with Joram and it is nice to hear that he is getting along fine with his course. We parted. He to his lectures. Me to find a quiet spot to take time out. Found a spot overlooking the wide expanse of foilage. The weather was cool with the drizzling rain.

Read two chapters of Prayer by Richard Foster. The book had been a blessing as I learnt a lot of the different forms of prayers. If you are looking for new planes to conquer. Try Richard Foster's Celebration of Discipline and Prayer. These two books will change the way you walk with God.

10:30 am. Decided to go early for the car service and maybe can get it back fast. There was no queue, unfortunately, the service adviser said 'come back at 5:30 pm'. What, why so long? Anyway, got the shuttle and decided to go to Bugis to get some pictures of durians and the old buildings for Block 13 story. Got to Aljunied station at 11:15 am. What, a dollar deposit for a single trip? Well, whatever.

This was where the city tour began. I got six hours to kill. How about watching Superman?. Alone? And the movie is two and the half hours. No. Decided to go shopping first.

Gateway from Bugis Junction second floor. Picked up a Converse T for Joram.

Finished Bugis and went to the new National Library. The place is s p a c i o u s. Good for taking a nap too.

You should go to the study lounge. I had coffee there. 60 cents at the vending machine. Just couldn't resist sitting down and enjoy the cosy lounge.

Walked over to Sim Lim Square and took a look at OG and got myself a pants. Then it was a walk down to SMU. Dropped by Gnee Hong to look at some chairs. They got a range of designer chairs at affordable prices and is worth taking a look if you are looking for something fresh. They are beside Hotel 81.

Had 'wanton mee' for lunch and couldn't resist ordering the 'ice kacang'. 'One 'ice kacang' with only red beans. No milk, please'. The lady drizzled three syrups on it - green, dark brown and red. Took a scoop of the green ice shaving - yum. It was melon flavour. The dark brown was 'gula melaka' and red - rose syrup. It tasted perfect because my nose is working. How wonderful it is to get your sense back after all these years. Enjoying the ice shaving, I recalled the awful and overpowering clove smoke as two guys were puffing away at the walkway. The traffic smog was offensive. The fragrance at NLB toilet was refreshing. The durians at Bugis tempting. The good and the bad of having my sense back. Did you notice that the smokers are moving into the walkway now?

Took a walk at SMU and NAFA. Boy! Education right in the city centre. Hip but costly cos you got TCC almost every corner. At SMU, NAFA, Bugis Junction, Funai Centre .........

Who is that grand lady in the background? It is the grand National Museum in pure white having a make over.

Walked over to Raffles City, then through CityLink Mall to Esplande. Watched an artist doing her creation at CityLink. Then to Funai Centre. My legs were giving way. Decided to go back to Asia Motors to collect the car.

I'm looking forward to work cos sitting at home for the last ten days were no joke. Retirement is gonna be a problem cos you must have something to do.

Work. Here I come.

....... and before long, I will be lamenting that I need a break.

What an irony!